Sunday, April 15, 2012


In all honesty, I sit around doing jack shit for about 2/3rds of my day. And in that time I come up with lists and lists of things I would like to purchase at some point. 
I didn't realise that the 90's look was hyper trendy until I was told this a couple of days ago, and I guess that's cool especially since it means a bunch of little online boutiques will pop up to cash in on this trend. I adore online boutiques - their looks aren't required to have a mass appeal, and I feel like I'm really supporting the designer/manufacturer/people involved.

Blah blah. I'm semi deciding whether or not I want to stretch my ears, so like the pussy I am I went and purchased some stretcher nails in 1.6mm, or 14ga. 

I found something so innately interesting in stretching ears. It might just be the masochist in me, because I feel the same about scarification. I know that if I start I probably wouldn't stretch further than an 8ga, but honestly the best jewellery are for the 2's and 0's. 


I guess I could just stick to cheater plugs. Also, lots of etsy going on here, cos I'm typing this at work and my stockpile of literally everything is at home. 

Final note, I'm a pussy and it's funny how white people try to take all other cultures.

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